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Network project & events

TLC's communications team is here to help tell our story around network projects, events, and strategy.

Project & Event Communications

Use this form to brief the team on communications needing to be created and distributed. The more detail and information the better! Please allow up to 4 working weeks for the Communications Team to have enough time to plan, create and book all communications needed. If you have any questions please contact comms@thelines.co.nz

Your Name(Required)
What is this project or event about, what are you hoping to achieve, what does good look like

Who do we need to consider and how will what we do affect their lives.
What are the critical dates for the project or event, e.g. when will planning commence, project gets underway, estimated date for completion
How long will the project or event take to complete? Will we be doing it again next year? How many years have we agreed to continue to do it?
What do we need to consider? How can we best leverage our activities?

DD slash MM slash YYYY
What do we want to say? What are the technical aspects and how do they benefit customers and the community?
Media channels(Required)
How do you want our key messages distributed?
Where comms costs will be expensed
This is super handy for the comms team, so if you have any information available - please share it!
Max. file size: 16 MB.

Communication preference(Required)
The communications are best to contact me by