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Your electricity retailer bills you for our lines charges. They set your pricing for both power and lines charges – so it's important you make sure you're on the best pricing plan for your property and usage.

Our pricing

Our pricing

We bill electricity retailers for your lines consumption based on the connection’s TLC price plan. Your retailer then includes our charges in your electricity bill, along with other items including meter reading and power usage.

Our pricing is updated on 1 April each year.

How you’re billed

Our lines charges are incorporated in your electricity retailers bill. Your retailer will be able to confirm how you’re billed, the plan you’re on, and how charges are calculated.

Electricity bills are normally made up of two parts:

  • Daily fixed charge which is typically a cents per day charge.
  • Variable charge which is a charge for the amount of electricity you use.

However, some retailers use other billing methodologies, so it’s important you check with your retailer.

TLC Discount

The TLC Discount is paid to Waitomo Energy Customer Trust (WESCT) Customers, and is linked to our published pricing.

TLC Discount September 2021
Was based on usage from 1 April 2021 to 31 August 2021 – with the TLC Discount being applied in September 2021 on direct TLC bills.

TLC Discount May 2022
Was based on usage from 1 September 2021 through to 31 March 2022 based on our published pricing. The TLC Discount was applied in May or June, appearing on electricity retail bills for customers who are not billed directly by us.

TLC Discount December 2022
Was based on usage from 1 April through to 31 October 2022 based on our published pricing. The TLC Discount was applied in December or January, appearing on electricity retail bills for customers who are not billed directly by us.

Direct and private works billing

Customers who have received a bill directly from us can make payment into our bank account 03-0104 0629954-00 with your Customer Number as reference.

Pricing Plans

We have different pricing plans covering different situations. Below is a summary of each of them.

Residential Low Fixed Charge

Is only available to customers in their principal place of residence (home) and is usually best for those who use less than 8,000 kWh per annum.

Residential Standard

Is only available to customers in their principal place of residence (home) and is usually best for those who use more than 8,000 kWh per annum.


Is where the end use we have recorded is not ‘holiday home’, accommodation’ or ‘dairy cattle milking shed’ and includes pumps, sheds, etc.

Temporary Accommodation

Is where the end use we have recorded is ‘holiday home’ or ‘accommodation’.


Is where the end use we have recorded is ‘dairy cattle milking shed’.


You can then use the handy wizard below to find out which prices apply to you.

Pricing roadmap

TLC has been working towards distribution prices that send clear signals about the cost of using our network, but which also ensure equity, simplicity and transparency. This roadmap has been prepared to provide the Electricity Authority, consumers and other interested parties with an understanding of our forward pricing strategy.

How to work out your price code

Which type of property?

  • Residential

    This is your primary dwelling

  • General

  • Temporary accommodation

  • Dairy

What type of meter do you have?

  • I have a new meter

    Usually grey in colour

  • I have an old mechanical meter

    Usually black in colour

  • I don't know

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.

How much energy do you use each year?

  • I use less than 8,000 kWh a year

    Typically, many customers fall into this category

  • I use more than 8,000 kWh a year

    Typically, more than 4 bedrooms or very high power use

  • I don't know

    Typically many customers use less than 8,000 kWh a year

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.

How dense is housing in your area?

  • High density

  • Low density

  • I don't know

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.

What type of water heater do you have?

  • I have gas hot water

  • I have an electric hot water cylinder - controlled by TLC

    Most customers have an electric hot water cylinder, controlled by TLC

  • I have an electric hot water cylinder - not controlled by TLC

  • I don't know

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.

How much capacity is supplied to you?

  • Small - 0 to 15 kVA

  • Medium - 16 kVA to 30 kVA

  • Large - 31 kVA to 70 kVA

  • Larger - 71 kVA to 150 kVA

  • I don't know

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.

How dense is housing in your area?

Density is shown as part of your consumer group on your current bill

  • High density

  • Low density

  • I don't know

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.

What type of water heater do you have?

  • I have gas hot water

  • I have an electric hot water cylinder - controlled by TLC

    Most customers have an electric hot water cylinder, controlled by TLC

  • I have an electric hot water cylinder - not controlled by TLC

  • I don't know

    All customers with new prices will be sent a letter before 1 October 2018, detailing the code(s) and prices that apply to your connection point(s). If you haven’t received this letter, or you’d like to know now what your price code is, contact our customer service team on 0800 367 546 or email info@thelines.co.nz. We’ll check your account and advise you of your price code.