Tokaanu Village works to deliver reliable supply
23 March 2021
The Lines Company (TLC) have a planned outage scheduled for Tokaanu to be able to complete important maintenance projects set to improve the reliability of supply to the area.
TLC are undertaking two important maintenance projects on lines and equipment feeding power to Tokaanu. The work will see approximately 82 customers in Tokaanu without power on Thursday 25 March, from 9am to 4pm.
The first project is the upgrade of a protection system required by Transpower to help support the National Grid if it experiences major outages.
The second maintenance project will see the replacement of a 33 kV transformer that supports equipment critical to safely isolating and restoring supply following outages.
Warren Harris Manager Operations said these two maintenance projects are critical to TLC supporting the operation of Transpower’s National Grid and making the Tokaanu network more reliable.
“The proactive replacement of equipment in Tokaanu will allow us to restore power to the village more promptly during a fault scenario.”
“The replacement of this equipment is needed as it has reached the end of its life.”
“Keeping up with the maintenance of equipment and infrastructure is paramount to the network’s reliability” said Harris.
TLC crews aim to get these maintenance projects completed within the allocated timeframe so power can be restored to Tokaanu Village by the end of day.
Notified outage information
Where Tokaanu Village
Day Thursday 25 March 2021
Time 9:00am to 4:00pm