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Safety first around power lines

13 April 2021

During the month of April, The Lines Company (TLC) will commence the rollout of a new campaign aimed to increase safety awareness around power lines.

Following a recent spate of near misses, and incidents where assets have been damaged, the lines business says safety around power lines is important for the public, TLC employees and any contractors operating close to lines.

Between January and March 2021, there were:

  • 2 occurrences where trees were felled into TLC lines
  • 4 instances where large equipment met power lines, bringing the lines down
  • 2 occasions of a service cable being hit by a trencher

Heightening the awareness and danger of members of the public and contractors working too close to power lines is the key focus of TLCs new campaign.

TLC Chief Executive Sean Horgan said there are too many near misses happening.

“The safety of our community and staff is a critical part of running our business” said Horgan.

“Live power lines are extremely dangerous, fortunately no one was injured or hurt during these recent incidents.

“Our message to everyone is clear – be safe and aware around power lines. If you’re unsure don’t dig, lift or cut.

“And in the event of a live wire emergency – stop what you’re doing and call for help.”

The safety campaign includes a range of advertising and messages across newspaper, radio and social media – along with Toolbox Talk kits for contractors and service providers. The kits include safety stickers encouraging equipment operators to stay safe around overhead lines and underground cables, along with safety training sheets and supporting posters.

TLC also plan to host Tradie Toolbox Talk Shouts at Te Kūiti, Ōtorohanga, Taumarunui andTūrangi, and will have a range of useful safety resources available to download at: https://www.thelinescompany.co.nz/electricity-safety/

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