TLC help fill local food banks
18 December 2020
The Lines Company (TLC) is paying it forward this Christmas with donations to local food banks.
The King Country-based lines business is donating $5,000 shared between 7 local food banks located in areas across TLC’s network, including Hamilton and Tauranga where subsidiary FCL Metering operates.
TLC Chief Executive Sean Horgan said the company is wanting to help bring a brighter Christmas to those in need. “We have been fortunate we were able to continue to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic and retain our staff on full pay.
“Others in the region aren’t as fortunate so we made the decision to redirect funds normally spent on staff Christmas gifts to community food banks.
According to the New Zealand Food Network, food poverty is a serious issue in New Zealand and the on-set of COVID-19 has only amplified this issue, with estimates that one in five kiwis will rely on food assistance this Christmas. This rate is likely to be higher across TLC’s network due to higher levels of social deprivation. Research published by the University of Otago estimates 60 percent of customers on TLC’s network have a deprivation score of 8 or higher, with household incomes as low as $34,000 per annum.
“Given the hardship many families are facing this year, many will rely on food banks this Christmas, hence our decision to help out – a decision that has been widely supported by TLC staff.”
The food banks TLC are donating to are: Te Kuiti Food Bank, Otorohanga Community Food Bank, Taumarunui Food Bank, Turangi Food Bank, Mangakino Food Bank, The Serve Trust (Hamilton), and the Tauranga Community Food Bank.
A representative from Turangi Food Bank said they are experiencing “unprecedented demand” for food parcel assistance this Christmas.
“We are delighted by The Lines Com offer of a donation to Turangi Food Bank, please pass our thanks to Sean Horgan and staff for giving up their Christmas gift from the company to assist us.”