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The Lines Company announces Board refresh

6 July 2017

The Waitomo Energy Services Customer Trust (WESCT) today announced key changes for the board of directors for The Lines Company (TLC).

Dr Timothy (Tim) Densem and Roger Sutton will join TLC’s board effective 17 August and 17 September respectively. Long serving board member Peter Till will retire at the AGM, lifting the board back to its traditional size of six directors.

In making the appointments WESCT Trust Chairman, Ivan Haines said, “We are delighted to see further directors of high-calibre join the board to add further expertise and energy. The quality of candidates for board roles was exceptional and after a robust selection process we are very happy with the appointments during what is a critical stage for the company.”

Roger Sutton

Mr Sutton lead last year’s review of TLC’s service based pricing and has achieved a high level of customer engagement that will help as TLC work to being a more customer focussed company.

Currently a director of Network Tasman, Independent Lines Services, the (Canterbury – West Coast) Church Property Trust and an advisory board director of the Wells Group, he also brings a strong background in infrastructure and the electricity sector to TLC’s board.

Formerly Chief Executive of Orion New Zealand Ltd and of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), Mr Sutton has also held a number of governance roles, including the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), Connetics (electricity supply services) and Australian companies, Energy Developments and Energetics.

Mr Sutton is a Fellow of the Institute of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) and a Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. He is married with three sons and enjoys cycling, running, skiing and the odd stint in the kitchen.

Dr Tim Densem

Dr Densem has wide experience in gas and electricity generation, retail, network and training fields both in New Zealand and overseas. A former board member and Chief Executive Officer of the Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation (ESITO), Tim is currently a director of the Southwest Consulting Group a company specialising in asset and risk management in the energy sector.

Tim is on the board of Damwatch (specialised international engineering hydropower, water and irrigation consultancy services) and a trustee of the Maungatautari Ecological Island in the Waikato. Resident in
Hamilton, Tim is married with three sons and involved with several educational and not-for-profit organisations. He is a Fellow of IPENZ and a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. In his spare
time he can be found skiing, cycling or fishing.

Peter Till retires

After two full terms on the board Peter Till is retiring from TLC. Chair Mark Darrow commented, “Peter has been a great advocate for change and as an experienced local has helped us understand and deal with key
community issues. He has worked hard and has made a significant contribution over his two terms. Our sincere thanks and wishes go with Peter.”


TLC Chair Mark Darrow welcomed the new appointments. “As we move forward with our process of change and improvement and embrace the incredible collaboration and technology opportunites available to us, we
have a very talented and highly skilled board, which bodes well. I look forward to working with the new board.”

The TLC Board is made up of:

  • Mark Darrow (Chair)
  • John Rae
  • Simon Young
  • Richard Krogh
  • Peter Till – to 17 August 2017
  • (Dr) Timothy Densem – from 17 August 2017
  • Roger Sutton – from 17 September 2017

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